• Hand washing
  • Speak in full sentences
  • Recognize people, animals, and objects
  • Learning to understand a consistent schedule 
  • Improve gross and fine motor skills
  • Parallel play with peers
  • Learning cause and effect interactions


Young Toddler

What skills will my child be developing?

The Young Toddler program includes children from 12 to 24 months and is one of the most important transition rooms.  Our teachers will patiently support and guide your child from a dependent infant to an independent toddler.  The teachers promote this transition based on your child's individual pace and needs. The curriculum for this classroom is designed to guide your child's progress to express their emotions and effectively communicate their needs through words, sign language, and body language.

Your child will begin to sort shapes and colors, learn how to hold a crayon to draw and scribble, and begin to engage in make believe play. Their teachers will promote social independence by helping them master using utensils and feeding themselves. 

Our Young Toddler program is designed to guide each child to independence through social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. 

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